Cutting Remarks: How a woman’s hair length affects her brand

Short hair vs. long hair

It is no secret that women are more objectified in our society compared to men. We are consistently judged on all components of our physical appearance, and nearly all of us have experienced some form of discrimination at some point because of it. Is it fair? No. Is it a reality? Yes.

It has been interesting to observe various components of perception, reputation, and personal branding over the past couple of years, and how it differs between men and women. Personal branding is essentially the concept of being intentional about how you present yourself to others in order to help influence their perception of you and your reputation. I’ve listened to numerous opinions on the topic and decided to do some investigation to see if there were any research studies that defined components of our physical appearance and the effects on our personal brand. I found one of the most interesting areas was regarding how female hairstyles are perceived in the professional environment. This is what research on female hairstyles indicates:


Darker hair is statistically better for women in the workplace. 90% of the female population has brunette or dark hair, whereas only 2% of the population is naturally blonde and less than 1% has naturally red hair. The perception of brunette females is more favorable in a work environment. Brunette females are considered “intelligent”, “mature”, “worldly”, “intimidating”, and “arrogant”; opposed to blondes that are perceived as  “needy”, “incompetent”, “likable”, “vain”, “dumb”, “overly sexual” and red heads being perceived as “temperamental”, “sexually aggressive”, “competent”. Women are also cited to be more receptive and comfortable with other women when they have dark hair. This is linked to research that heterosexual males statistically prefer women with blonde hair, which often leads to preferential treatment.


Straight hair is superior to curly or natural hair in the workplace. Women with straight hair are taken more seriously and are noted as “intelligent”, “clean”, and “professional”; whereas women with curly or natural hair are attributed as “unruly”, “unprofessional”, “carefree”, “approachable”, and “risk-takers”. These stereotypes greatly affect African-American women and the right to maintain their natural hair. Note: I highly suggest the article, “Black Women Worry That Their Natural Hair Could Affect Job Employment or Retention


Left parts are better for the workplace, regardless of gender. Research indicates that an individual’s part helps emphasize the cranial hemisphere functioning. The left hemisphere is associated with language, memories of words, math, logic, linear operations, and masculine activities defined in our culture. This leads to people with a left part being identified as “masculine”, “serious”, and “intelligent”; therefore a left part can create difficulties with those fulfilling traditional female roles and makes it ideal for women in business and politics. A right hemisphere is associated with visual processing, memories of pictures, musical perceptions, and nonlinear tasks attributed to femininity in our culture. Those with a right part are seen as “feminine”, “empathetic”, “gentle”, “caring” and are typically not taken as seriously in a professional setting. Research also indicates that it is more difficult for a man to be socially accepted with a right part than a female to pull off a left part.
Those with a center part or no part are perceived as “balanced”, “trustworthy”, and “wise”.


Short hair is preferred for women in the workplace. Despite research indicating that long hair is preferred by males, our culture associates women with long hair as “young”, “unprofessional”, and “insecure” – which negatively impacts credibility in the workplace. It is noted that long hair has a greater impact on a woman’s body language, because she is more likely to touch it and create a distraction during communication. Long hair is also cited to be more socially acceptable for women under 40, and negative stereotypes for aging women with long hair include, “messy”, “hippie”, and “silly”. On the other hand, women with short hair are seen as “intelligent”, “knowledgeable”, “confident”, and “mature”. Research indicates that female coworkers are typically more comfortable and supportive of women with short hair. Additionally, males are more likely to make assumptions that short hair is associated with female homosexuality.

I don’t agree with all of these conclusions. I know plenty of exceptional women that defy these findings and they’re intelligent, professional, and beautiful. I don’t like the idea that so much of our credibility is attached to something as trivial as our hair. As long as our hair is neat and clean in the workplace, shouldn’t we be granted the same level of respect? I wanted to test this for myself.

An experiment

I have struggled with the feeling that my knowledge, skills, talent, and intelligence are overshadowed by my physical appearance, despite my business formal attire and intentional actions that reflect my male colleagues. I have experienced others treating me a certain way based on many of the perceptions of these stereotypes supported through research and I was curious to see if some simple changes would change the way they acted towards me. My hair was long, naturally blonde, straight, and parted down the middle or the right. Therefore I fit into a stereotype that included associations of being “needy”, “incompetent”, “vain”, “dumb”, “young”, “unprofessional”, and “insecure”.

I’m not particularly attached to maintaining a specific hair style, and I was ready for a change – so I decided to cut 18 inches off my hair. hair comparisonThe timing was right, and I wanted to see what would really happen. So, I headed over to the salon one day after work – without telling anyone my plan.

The reactions matched what the research indicated – I was treated as more “intelligent”, “knowledgeable”, “confident”, and “mature”. The only thing that I changed was my hair, and I felt as though I was treated like a different person. I have to admit that I was a bit self-conscious at first. I have never kept my hair this short – and I didn’t feel like myself. I didn’t feel as feminine and confident as I did when I had long hair – and it took some getting used to. But there were some good things that I noticed right away. The best part of having short hair is that it is so much easier and faster in the morning – blow-drying my hair went down from 25 minutes to 5. The big caveat is that it is overall more expensive to have short hair. More frequent hair cuts and more styling products can add up.

Overall, everyone was very supportive of the change. I wanted to know if the responses I’ve received with my short hair are similar to others – so I reached out on Twitter. Overwhelmingly, other female professionals indicated that they’ve been treated differently with short hair. These amazing and successful women shared that they were treated with more respect, but also with some negative backlash from men. We discussed an article about news anchor, Rachel Maddow that addressed her “smokin’ hot yearbook pic” from when she had longer hair. Here was a smart and inventive woman that was being diluted down to nothing more than a sex object. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident for the news. The documentary Miss Representation discusses this realty in great detail – and I definitely recommend it.

Over the past couple of months, I’ve settled into this new look. I enjoyed trying something new and testing the variables of my personal brand. I’d love to know if anyone else has had similar experiences! Please share below.

Hair Color and Courtship: Blond Women Received More Courtship Solicitations and Redhead Men Received More Refusals
Hair Colour and Attraction – Is the Latest Psychological Research Bad News for Redheads?
Redheads and Blonds: Stereotypic Images: STEREOTYPIC IMAGES
The effect of attitudes on inferences of homosexuality and perceived physical attractiveness in women
WOMEN AND THEIR HAIR: Seeking Power through Resistance and Accommodation
Effects of Gender and Dress on helping Behavior
Black Women Worry That Their Natural Hair Could Affect Job Employment Or Retention
Patients’ and Physicians’ Attitudes Regarding the Physician’s Professional Appearance
Long Hair Looks Great On Older Women And Men — Or Does It?
Editorial: Short hairstyles: do haircuts affect your love life? The painful truth behind pixie haircuts and short hairstyles
What Is Your Hair Part Saying About You?: The Effects of Hair Parting on Social Appraisal and Personal Development
Editorial: Is Long Hair Bad For Your Career?
Policing Female Masculinity: Much Ado About Rachel Maddow’s Yearbook Photo!

44 thoughts on “Cutting Remarks: How a woman’s hair length affects her brand

  1. Laurie Berry says:

    Thanks for sharing this with us. It is fascinating to me what assumption are made based on appearances. I have always had short hair. It is thick, straight and now greying. I have often been pressured by family and a few friends to consider growing it out. When I first started with the grey streak on my right temple at 21 I was pressured to color it. A few times I did some highlighting to cover it. One time while away at a wedding I found auburn on a grey streak came out a brighter red than I anticipated. It was the last time I attempted to time I highlighted my hair. I have grown to love the length and color of my hair.

    The variety of styles and colors whether natural or chosen make the world a interesting place.

  2. Kristen Abell says:

    I have naturally curly hair, and I’ve always thought it makes me look less professional than when I straighten it. I’ve also had it both long and short, and I personally feel more professional with it short (but I enjoy growing it out longer for myself). I wonder how much of our own perceptions about hair make us feel as though we are being treated differently vs. actually being treated differently?

    1. AmyLJorgensen says:

      This is an excellent point, Kristen. One of the studies stated that women act differently when they had different color wigs on. Perhaps it comes down to how comfortable/confident we feel and how that impacts other’s perception of us.

  3. kmroseuk says:

    Thank you for sharing this article. I found it quite interesting, and I agree that a woman’s physical appearance matters more in the workplace than a man’s physical appearance. When you cut your hair, you stated ” I was treated as more ”intelligent”, “knowledgeable”, “confident”, and “mature”.” Was this your perception of how people treated you? Had you conducted a survey prior to cutting your hair, and then conducted a survey afterwards? Or is this perhaps (as Kristen Abell posited) the way you started perceiving yourself?

    1. AmyLJorgensen says:

      My observations were most certainly perceptions mixed with comments I had received. I did ask random individuals (males & females of various ages) about how old I looked before and after – and noticed a trend that I was perceived older after I had cut my hair. Sales clerks were treating me with more respect when I would enter stores – regardless of my attire (jeans to suits).
      It could be that I felt different with my short hair. However, I felt much more self-conscious with my short hair at first – which may attribute to me being quieter and more observant of others. But I’ve also noticed that others treat me differently when other variables of my personal brand have changed. Comments and interactions are more positive from others when I dress-up – random strangers in public treat me as though my credibility changed because I went from a t-shirt to a nice dress. I’ve also experienced people treating me differently when my weight has fluctuated. I’ve struggled with drastic weight-gain and loss as a result of Celiac Disease – and overall women were much friendlier when my weight was heavier. I lost nearly 70 lbs in 4 months and noticed that those same women were a bit colder. I was also in a great deal of physical pain, which could also alter my perception as well.
      But I’ve found it really interesting that I’m not the only one that has these experiences. Many people have shared examples about how people have treated them differently once they changed something – even if it was subtle. We can also look at studies that relate women in politics and their hairstyle. Statistically, these women have short dark hair parted on the left – maybe this is a random coincidence, or maybe it is because people really do treat women differently when they look a certain way. These politicians have many advisers that assist with everything from policy to their appearance – and I would bet that they use these sociology studies to influence their suggestions.

  4. Kate Kinsella (@KateMcGK) says:

    Great post, Amy. It’s amazing (ridiculous?) how our hair has such an impact on how we’re perceived. I’ll never forget when I was job searching for the first time, as a new grad, and someone (female) who worked in the housing department at my alma mater told me that I should not wear my hair down to interviews, as it was intimidating. At the time, it seemed like such a strange comment. I wore my hair down to interviews, and got a few offers – one which I accepted, so I didn’t give it much more thought.

    I’ve worn my hair short in the past, but I never feel quite like me when I do, and always end up growing my hair out again. I’ve also tried three hair colours, brunette, blonde and red. I can’t think of any significant changes in how I was treated when my hair was shorter, or a different colour.

    I think what’s more important is our own confidence. I’m sure we can all relate to how a “bad hair day” makes us feel, or, on the other hand, how you feel when you love how your hair looks.

    I’d be curious to know what a ponytail or bun says about us 😉

    1. AmyLJorgensen says:

      These are great points, Kate! I can definitely relate. I found myself wearing my hair up a lot before I cut it and it ended up destroying my hair – so I went for the cut.

      I am definitely not suggesting that we change who we are – we should always try to maintain our integrity and personal self-worth. I am not really attached to my hair length or what clothes I wear because I don’t feel that this really represents who I am. I like to dress “preppy” and maintain my natural blonde hair – but I also really like punk music, art, and things that are branded with alternative images. It’s interesting how I’m treated as an outsider when I’ve gone to punk concerts in my Ralph Lauren dresses… the initial looks of disgust… and then the looks of shock when they realize that I know the songs better than they do. I’ve joked with my best friend that it’s like being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Our culture and sub-cultures have accepted standards, and it’s always interesting when those appearances are challenged.

      I believe that the whole point of personal branding is not to change who we are – but to be intentional about the kind of person that we want to be. We cannot deny that people treat others differently based on how they look – this is proven in article after article. And whether we think it’s intentional or not, we are communicating very clear messages to others based on our personal appearances. The communication breakdown says that 55% of our communication is interpreted through body language, 38% through tone, and only 7% based on the words that we say. Therefore, body language and appearance can have the highest impact in altering how other’s receive our messages – this is why it is so important to be more intentional about how we present ourselves.

  5. Terry Patterson says:

    Good article, Amy. It makes me want to cut my hair short too! It would be interesting to get perceptions from different industries about this. Was your research concentrating more on executive roles? Is it just the length of the hair, or would an updo hairstyle inspire the same perception as a short haircut?

    1. AmyLJorgensen says:

      Thanks, Terry! The research varied from executive roles, political roles, and every-day general interactions. From what I can tell, the length was a big factor – which may mean that you could keep your hair in a conservative up-do to influence perception. I did try this method before the big cut – but it ended up destroying my hair.

      Please know that I’m not suggesting that you change your hair or anything about you. This piece was more of a social observation and personal experiment. I enjoy changing my hair length every couple of years – I’m confident in my abilities regardless.

      I’ve also been advised to color my hair dark (and studies support this would be beneficial in influencing others), but this is something that I’m not willing to change. I come from a long line of Swedes and Danes on both sides of my family, and I’m happy with my natural blonde hair. I hate the “dumb-blonde” stereotypes, but I’d rather challenge it than change that part of who I am. 🙂

  6. Lisy Chavez says:

    This is a great article! This also makes you think about how your race can also affect your brand. There are many times that people just want to pigeonhole you because of your background.

  7. Miranda Perry says:

    This is very interesting, and parallels some of my experience. I cut off almost all of my natural blonde hair [from below shoulder length to pixie] about a year and three months ago and dyed it platinum. After 6 months I dyed it dark brown and the differences were striking. When I cut my hair off I instantly ceased getting any flirtations when I was out. I received a lot of negative feedback from men I worked with, and a lot of suggestions that I should ‘grow it out’. However, when I dyed it dark it all changed. Everyone seemed to love it, and I was instantly treated with more respect and felt that my opinion was taken more seriously. The suggestions of growing it out stopped and the flirtations returned.

    All in all, an interesting study in responses. I’m growing it out dark now, and we’ll see what changes with this new hairstyle. I will eventually go back to my natural color, but I’m enjoying seeing the different reactions for now.

  8. Erin Bunton (@erinsmind) says:

    Thank you for sharing your experience, Amy. I find that I get more compliments on my hair when it is straightened (it is naturally curly). In my experience, the region you live in plays a role as well. That might be related to trends, but as I have moved around the country, I find what is acceptable or preferred changes.

  9. Erelannon says:

    Hello, Amy – glad you posted this. I’ve always felt that studies on the topic of perception are based on emotion and opinion. The only thing that truly matters is competence and professionalism, neither of which have anything to do with appearance. Someone’s first impression, if negative, can be easily overruled by skill and dedication. So everyone just needs to be his/her *self* … just don’t violate the dress code 🙂 !!

  10. Matt says:

    As someone who works in IT and has interacted with many in the “Marketing” field, I am constantly amazed that women who work in marketing do NOT know how to sell things to men, at least “professional” that I have worked with do not. They have the feminist chip on their shoulder that says that anything that pleases men must be stamped out.

    If I was a business owner and I knew that longer hair on females was more attractive to men, then I would expect anyone I hired to do marketing to exploit this fact. Females, despite with they say to each other, ARE rated based on their appearance. Most men do NOT prefer a woman who has short hair and looks like one of the boys. If you work for or with men you WILL notice a preference for women who have longer hair. They will get more “attention” than those with short hair.

    Is this sexist or demeaning? I don’t think so. Studies have proven that men who are fat and balding are seen as less intelligent (even though that is usually not the case). So if a man has the capability to change this perception, he WILL to improve his job opportunities. Consequently, many men view women with short hair as being on a power trip or having a bias against what men typically prefer in an attractive woman.

    It is much easier to work around someone that is attractive than it is to work around someone who could fit right in with the alternative lifestyle crowd. Women who deny their femininity by dressing like males send the signal that they are insecure as a women. This is a turn off to men.

    Sorry to say ladies, you can pat each other on the back, but when it comes down to brass tacks, short hair is unattractive.

    1. AmyLJorgensen says:

      Thank you for your opinion. I still struggle with the challenge that men may find long hair more attractive – but this doesn’t mean that they take you more seriously as a professional.

  11. Margaret says:

    I found your Article because I’m going to a Transportation Conference later this month and thinking about how to present myself. You can see from my profile that I have big curly mixed (black american & white american) hair. Would you suggest that I pull my hair back?

  12. Jane says:


    I kind of agree with the last remark. In my 20s, I cut off my long, blonde hair, acquiring a cut resembling yours. I saw myself as more serious, professional than my long haired co-workers, but as I have grown in stature, age, and confidence, I have grown my hair out — shoulder length and completely embraced my femininity, knowing I can be both feminine and smart, professional. As long as long hair is properly styled, it can be professional. An examples of women who have long hair that is unprofessional are Fox News anchor Megyn Kelley and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. Megyn, who is stunning, has grown her hair out way too long, resembling a show girl more than a professional. Men are now referring to her as a “bimbo” even though she has a law degree, and I have to admit that she now does look like one. Clinton looked unprofessional with long hair for the simple reason that it didn’t suit her — she looked like she was trying to be sexy (when she clearly isn’t, despite her best efforts). A clean, short bob just suits her and her image– as earnest, non-nonsense feminist career gal Hillary. A lot of women in my office look unprofessional with long hair since their hair is excessively long and unstyled, resembled that of a hippie or undisciplined little girl who would rather be at home playing dress up than hard at work.

    Short hair made me feel more confident, independent, stylish, but I also remember envying other women with long hair. I remember having men “take me seriously” and then watching them go out on dates with intelligent women with long hair, concluding that they saw me as a work horse, but not necessarily a woman.

    I think long hair is more acceptable for women now that we have obtained a degree of respect in the workplace, so we don’t have to overcompensate and be men but relax into our femininity. Consider Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer or Facebook CFO Sheryl Sandberg — both have long hair and are taken seriously. In fact, Mayer in particular has fully embraced her femininity and yet no one really doubts her incredible engineering skills or brains. Ivanka Trump has long, blonde tresses and is often complimented for her tremendous business acumen, class, and intelligence. Taylor Swift, who is just stunning with her long hair, embraces girl power and yet seems more powerful by embracing her beauty/femininity — as opposed to cheap, brazen sexuality or a rejection of men with a harsh butch cut.

    My hair is now long — shoulder length — and I am now thinking of growing it a bit longer. I am also the top performer at my job. I have replaced the box suits I used to wear with frilly, feminine, elegant tops. I embrace my femininity — and was perceived as “management” when I was merely a trainee.

    Long hair looks unprofessional when the wearer is clearly trying or appears to be trying to bank on her sexuality as opposed to femininity — like Megyn Kelly– or if it is unkempt. One of my friends, a brilliant computer scientist with a MS from an ivy league, holds a minimum wage job. She can’t break into the professional world despite her high IQ/credentials. Part of the reason, I suspect, is her image — long, unkempt, hippyish hair, no make up, doesn’t know how to press or present herself. She is socially aware, but just a feminist who denies her femininity thinking that caring about her appearance is somehow beneath her rather than a necessary social attribute.

    In the above pictures, you clearly look better with shorter hair, but that is because your longer hair was lank, unkempt: soccer mom (left) vs. executive (right). I suspect If you had styled your long hair, you would have looked just as professional, if not more feminine.

    As the writer wrote above, men don’t like masculine women. They like women who embrace their femininity. Women may feel more comfortable and safe around a woman who isn’t a threat/competitor, but I think as long as your demeanor is professional and you aren’t tramping it up at the office, you will go further as a feminine woman who is good at her job as opposed to a ball busting butch woman trying to accentuate her “toughness” and deny her femininity to be taken seriously.

    Again, I reiterate, I am the top performer at my job, seen as management material, frequently complimented on my performance. I also have long, shoulder length blonde hair. When I had short hair (like yours), I was seen as asexual, just a work horse and little else. I liked that I didn’t have to fuss with my hair -that I could just shampoo and go — but part of my femininity was lost in the process. Today I don’t think women need to sacrifice femininity for success. Sexuality doesn’t have a place in the work place — but femininity most certainly does.

  13. Mike says:

    Loved your article. I have never looked at women as smart or dumb based on hair length or attributed categories as these to them. Women before my eyes either had a gair style that worked for them, they looked good in it (beautiful, attractive etc) or it just did not complement them in anyway. But I do believe it is true. We humans do have tendencies to judge by the first impression or by the look “of the cover” very quickly. As a matter of fact I was listening to the audio version of the book, blink by M. Gladwell and his studies and findings match yours.

  14. juliereneewolfhairstylist says:

    Wow this article is so interesting! Thank you for writing. I’m a hairstylist and I find it infuriating when clients come in and ask for styles they simply don’t want or are tired of because they think their hair has to be a certain way. Of course it’s undeniable that when you change your hair you change the way you look. But I think it’s important that women stop allowing themselves to be defined by their appearance. The fact that blondes are perceived as dumb and overly sexual is something that makes me sick quite honestly. I come from an industry that piggy backs on these perceptions and at times I am ashamed. But it’s up to people like you and me (so I liked to think) to change the perception. We are not our hair, our body’s or our faces. The color or length of my hair has nothing to do with my competence or even my sexual desires. Writing an article like this promotes truth and unjust judgement against women that has gone on for far too long! Thank you!

  15. Nathalie says:

    I know this article is a few years old, but I still want to express my thanks. I am 26 years old and have always had natural blonde, straight hair, always at a length below my waist. I start my first career job next month, as a scholar. I’ll be working as a researcher while also getting my PhD. My place of work will be the department of defence, which is male dominated and in my particular department the average age is about 20 years older than I am. Meanwhile, I will also teach cadets, who are only 1 or 2 years younger than I.

    Consequently, I have been reconsidering my hairstyle for a while now. I have already worked at this particular department for almost a year as a research intern, and my performance and impression was good enough for them to offer me the four-year research fellow/phd commitment. I must conclude that I was taken seriously regardless of my long hair, often worn down. However, as I progress in my career, eventually as a doctor and thus likely visiting conferences and colleges for lectures, I need to find balance between professionalism and the femininity in which I feel comfortable. It is important to me that I am acknowledged for what my brains have to offer, and not more or less so for my looks. This article has forced me to realize the sincerity of this consideration. I haven’t yet made up my mind on where my priorities lie, but I do thank you for putting these considerations into perspective.

  16. Wanbli Wiyan says:

    This is a tough subject to think about, since I’m Native. My hair is ‘super long’ and I have no plans to cut it unless a close relative dies (which I hope doesn’t happen any time soon, not for the hair reason obviously). Looking for ‘professional styles’ tend to be something pulled back tightly in a bun or in some way that is covered in a lot of styling product, and I’m more traditional in keeping my hair, so that means no heat and no gel/hairspray.

    I’ve had my hair super short before, when I was in the Army, and although it was easier, my spiritual connection suffered immensely. I felt a lot better once I got out and started growing out my hair. It’s down to my butt now, and although it has its challenges, I loathe the idea of cutting it for almost any reason.

    How far would be ‘acceptable’ for one to maintain their heritage and still look professional? I do put my hair in braids, but people call them ‘pigtails’ now, and have little understanding in how some more traditional-minded Natives keep their hair.

  17. Binh says:

    I’m glad I came across this post because I was actually “advised” to grow out my hair so I can make more sales in real estate. – I was unhappy hearing that because the short hair is actually more productive in my lifestyle than long hair. I’m am way for comfortable with short hair, it’s easy to maintain and I really love the look. From what I have gathered, long hair is great for dating because a typical average male would want a more feminine girlfriend and short hair is great for work and the speedy life of career minded individuals.

  18. Konrad Alderman says:

    Amy – very interesting. Let me throw in the perspective of a happily married male with 3 children. I looked at your “Before” and “After” picture and gave myself a “test” before reading your analysis. I asked myself to quickly pre-judge these “two” people based on their looks alone. If they walked into my office at work, what would my first impression be, even if totally unfounded. The short-hair said to me “insurance agent”, “competent”, product presentation will be “detail oriented”, she is “the job”, and probably not much else. The long-hair says “multi-dimensional”, here on business but there’s more to this person, will present her products with context in the real world as she has experienced it. If I met these “two” people in a social situation, the long-hair person looks more emotionally deep, caring and perhaps vulnerable. The short-hair says energetic, goal oriented but not very warm. I’m not saying these reactions are right or fair and certainly would be replaced by reality after getting to know the person. My non-scientific recommendation: keep your long hair, keep it up at work so it’s not distracting from the business at hand, but let it down at home because a women’s hair is beautiful and your husband/boyfriend will love it!

  19. Matthew Ingalsbe says:

    Unfortunately, I think short hair usually does NOT look good on women. It may be more convenient, however it is certainly, nearly always, less attractive. Women who can still be professional in the performance of their occupational responsibilities while also maintaining their ethics and cooperative demeanor, yet who also demonstrate that their beauty is a priority in their lives, are ALWAYS more compelling to me, since they show real appreciation for the complete package of their lives – including their appearance – instead of relegating it to “non-importance.” For example, it is always nice to see a woman’s stylish manicure as a part of her outward appearance. The same is true with nicely maintained long hair. To me personally, long hair is non-negotiable in seeking a mate in addition to being preferable in the work place. I may put up with it silently in the work place since it is, after all, a woman’s personal choice BUT I will also NEVER find it attractive or desirable (and I won’t compliment it), regardless of how “convenient” or “efficient” it is for a “lifestyle”. How tragic it is when a beautiful woman you work with cuts off her beautiful hair! I think lifestyles SHOULD incorporate beauty if possible. I feel similarly when it comes to professional attire – men AND women should bother to go the extra distance – instead of being lazy in the name of convenience. That means ties and jackets with suits for men and nylons with skirts for ladies, period! Anything else is ridiculous, with rare exceptions. In hobbies and personal interests it also seems to me that those things which are more elaborate or difficult to do or perform, like maintaining an athletic physique or even the appearance of the wire wheels on a sports car for example, require extra care and maintenance. Everything nice has its price. Let’s not develop philosophies to cover our laziness or low goals and efforts.

  20. Rebecca says:

    I have brown hair which very thick and naturally curly. Cutting it short is not an option for me, It would be horrendously poofy. It also has naturally highlight therefore my hair looks a little more blonde in the summer. So, I do not want to change my hair in any way nor have any desire to. Although, I guess I could learn more about long hairstyles which bring out the best of my facial features.

  21. Susan Binau says:

    Great article, thank’ s for sharing.
    I am self-employed and have never followed “rigid rules”, and I believe that women should always choose the hairstyle that makes them feel happy and confident.
    Happiness radiates her inner beauty.

    Just be you (and if you want feedback), only ask people whose judgment you trust.

    Susan Binau

  22. mplo says:

    Frankly, as somebody in her 70’s with long, naturally curly reddish hair who’s adamant about keeping her hair long, regardless of what other people say and/or think, i’m of the opinion that it’s nobody’s business but my own how I keep my hair. I can do more with my hair since it’s long, and I’ve found ways to calm down the frizz without resorting to dangerous chemicals. Long hair is cheaper to maintain anyway, because I go every 6-7 months to get the ends trimmed off, as opposed to every 6-7 weeks, the latter of which is required for short hair, which is much more high maintenance and costly than long hair.

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